
Welcome to Allergy Free & Cheap Like Me!

gluten, dairy, egg & soy free

I’m so happy you are here! I hope to create a place for you to find lots of information about food allergies, as well as, lots of goodies to help you not only eat better, but more affordably! Please feel free to share all of your own tips, tricks, and recipes too! Thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you again very soon! You can read more about my allergy story here.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


How do I thank thee? Let me count the ways. We have all heard the saying but how much gratitude do you regularly practice in your life?  Chances are you probably say "thank you" to the store clerks, waitresses or baristas you see daily, but how regularly do you really see and celebrate the little gifts you receive every day?  A hug, a smile, a seat on the bus, or a door held open? Do you count those as blessings too?

It turns out that if you do, it can be tremendously helpful and healthful! Studies show that the benefits of gratitude may include less stress, more joy, enhanced vitality, improved sleep, faster recovery from illness, more fulfilling relationships, and a deeper sense of spiritual connection. Can’t we all use a little help in those departments? Gratitude works because it promotes positive emotions such as joy, contentment and hope. When we experience gratitude we flood the part of the brain that floods the body with feel-good hormones. If you articulate why you are grateful to someone, it is contagious. They feel good and start to tell other people why they are grateful and it multiplies. Don’t you want to help pass those kinds of feelings around instead of all the negative ones we are bombarded with on a daily basis?

Many families do a round of “what I’m grateful for” at Thanksgiving, but what about trying it all year round, for every dinner?  Just this small practice of gratitude every day may not only help you connect with your family more, but also improve your health! 

"Round the table, peace and joy prevail. May all who share this season’s delight enjoy countless more." – Chinese blessing

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