Today's challenge topic is, Health Tagline; Give yourself, your blog, your condition, or some aspect of your health a tagline. Make sure it’s catchy!

For today's post I guess I kind of already have my tagline, in the name of my blog,
Allergy Free and Cheap Like Me. My blog is a place where I hope people can come and find information, recipes, cost saving tips, etc. about living with food allergies. I also hope for it to be a place for people to share stories about their own allergy journey, not just read about mine. I suppose what is not included in my blog name that I might include in a tagline would be something about overall whole living and natural health. As I write my blog, more and more I find I am interested not only in sharing my allergy journey with others but also sharing natural, whole living ideas as well. So maybe my tagline should be something like one of these; Allergy Free and Cheap Like Me, Whole Living with Food Allergies, Allergy Free and Cheap Like Me, Whole Living in Spite of Food Allergies, Allergy Free and Cheap Like Me, Living a Complete Life with Food Allergies. I'm not sure, I feel like those tagline's might make it sound like having food allergies prevents you from living a complete life, which I don't believe and I don't want to convey. So maybe I should just go with my
keep calm and carry on poster tagline, Allergy Free and Cheap Like Me, Living More and Stressing Less!
If you were to give yourself a tagline what do you think it might be?
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